Monday, December 6, 2010

Liz Lemon as the Everywoman

One of the reasons I like 30 Rock so much is because I relate to Liz Lemon. Her attachment to sandwiches is a direct link to my own life. As Liz said herself, "I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich". What a profound statement. How many times have you had to eat lunch next to someone you didn't want to talk to? The whole time they are chewing away on their tofu salad and telling some asinine story of their time spent in Atlantic City being mistaken for a prostitute and all you really want to do is enjoy your sandwich in silence.

Watch an episode of 30 Rock and see for yourself how easy it is to slip into Liz Lemon's shoes. She may do things we want to do but because of our self-imposed moral codes, don't. For example, following a crush into a meeting of AA and then pretending to be an alcoholic to get close to them. Like none of us have ever thought of that one. Or trying to trick an adoption agent into considering you to be a parent while they have mild amnesia. Common place deception. What about the time she told Floyd all of her secrets? Like pooping in her pants at an all-you-can eat buffett but not leaving until she finished her second plate of shrimp. Liz Lemon exemplifies what we all think but don't say or what we do but can never tell anyone because it's far too embarassing. Therefore, she is all of us.

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